Tuesday 24th May 2022 - Things Go Better, On the Schedule and Taking a Break
Following last Friday’s trials and tribulations, things got better on Saturday and were good on Sunday too. Time spent in the garden was just what I needed with a tidy of the borders, planting out the last of the flowers from the greenhouse, edging after Peter mowed and later we both watered. Watering may have been a bit of a waste of time because we then had some rain. This was most welcome as it has almost filled all the water butts; we are ready for the next dry spell.

My first programme on Poppyland Radio has gone on the schedule and will be broadcast on Tuesday 31st May, followed by a repeat on Saturday 2nd June and thereafter it will be available via the On Demand page on Poppyland Radio’s website. As there is a lot of preparation prior to recording, the programmes will be broadcast fortnightly. If you live in the area, defined on the Home Page on Poppyland Radio’s website, and would like to record a similar programme, where you invite people in your immediate area to come and talk about interesting aspects of their lives, then why not fill in a programme application form which can be accessed from the Get Involved page, again on the Poppyland Radio’s website. (phew that was a long sentence!)
I’m going to take a break from by blog so that I can prepare for the arrival of our eldest son and youngest grandson who are going to be spending time with us at the beginning of the half-term break. Unfortunately, it does look as though the weather will not be as good as of late but no doubt we will spend time on the beach and we have various things in mind to show our grandson. I am just wondering if our son will want to go crab fishing off the pier, like he did when he was a boy. I’d better make sure I buy some bacon, to use as bait for the crabs, and if we don’t go crabbing we can make a bacon sandwich instead! I’ll be back again next week.
Today’s photos are of a grape bloom on one of our vines, the vines I gave a very hard pruning late winter, and a shot of the typical damage we are seeing on the ageratum plants, caused by marauding Spanish slugs.

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