Sunday 7th July 2024 - Saddened, No More Bodies, Not Practical and Guided Walks
I am saddened that there are few bees and pollinating insects to be seen in our garden. Other years there have been buff and orange tailed bumble bees as well as their larger cousins visiting the flowers, plus other bees and insects but this year, I’ve only seen a few. The same goes for butterflies. They got off to a good start with orange tips and holly blues resting or passing across our garden. The orange tip season has now finished but I’m hoping we will see more holly blues next month. Apart from these and the odd red admiral, that’s about it. As for moths, I’ve only spotted one silver y and none of those which pay us the occasional visit e.g orange underwing, magpie and hummingbird hawk moth. It’s not just our garden that’s lacking, on our walks we have seen few of those already mentioned and on one path which is frequented by good numbers of speckled wood butterflies, I’ve only seen one. What’s behind all this? I can only suggest it’s down to the unusual wet and cooler temperatures.
On a more positive note, no more dead frogs in our garden. There have been a couple in the flower borders in the evenings and when passing our pond there has been the occasional ‘plop’ as a frog has jumped into the water. Keeping our fingers crossed the two deaths were down to old age and not ranavirus.
I have been watching some of the TV coverage, on iplayer, of this year’s garden and flower shows. I particularly like seeing the balcony gardens, crammed with plants and good ideas. I have however, been less than impressed with some of the designs of larger gardens which although they looked stunning on screen, weren’t that practical. For starters, there seems to be a move towards large fixed seating areas. Let’s face it, there are a limited number of months when we can sit outdoors, surely better to have a mix of benches, tables and chairs of a size that can be moved into sunny areas, or if very warm, into the shade, rather than have them in one area. At Chelsea, there was a lot of stones and rocks incorporated into the show gardens which I felt, once the flowers had died back would leave a very stark appearance.
Almost all where were lacking garden sheds for storing tools, a place for a washing line, a composter and a greenhouse or similar for bringing on plants and overwintering others. Attempts were made at including vegetables but to be quite honest dotting a few here and there, in amongst other plants, was hardly going to provide a decent crop and as a result more likely to put anyone off growing their own. A vegetable plot can be a feature of its own and doesn’t have to be boring straight lines; the layout of Peter’s plot provides a lot of interest.
Of course, all the above is just my thoughts and opinions. It would be a sad world if we all did the same – just imagine, millions of identical gardens. Far better we all put our individual stamp on our piece, be it big or small, of our planet Earth. Despite having been a bit critical, there is nearly always something to be gained from gardening programmes. I’ve recently learnt, the sainfoin wild flower (see photo in my blog for 21st June), replenishes its nectar after being visited by a bee or other insect. Isn’t nature amazing.
Instead of a photo, today I have included the poster covering the guided walks in the village this month. Tim Bennett is an excellent walks guide (how does he remember so much information). His walks, are to be recommended, you just need to remember to book your palce, as numbers are limited.