Saturday 21st November 2020 - On the Tide Line and Poppy Appeal
Apart from yesterday, when we woke to our first frost, the temperatures this November have been relatively mild. Yesterday’s frost was not a complete white out, there was no evidence that Jack Frost had been in our back garden, but at the front the car needed de-icing before we drove to Mundesley. Today, was back to mild and a good overland breeze proved excellent for drying the washing. As we walked along the beach this morning we saw yesterday’s rough seas had brought up some sea life; a lobster, dogfish tail and a plaice lay lifeless on the beach. We couldn’t understand why the local gull population where not pecking at them. Not far out at sea there were over a hundred gulls on the surface, presumably they were taking advantage of a passing shoal, rather than concentrating on the beach pickings.
Yesterday, I completed the returns for this year’s Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. With Covd-19 preventing most of the usual fund raising activities in the village, I was not expecting to be banking much this year. However, thanks to donations from individuals, the kids pack placed in the Belfry School and those for wreaths, a surprising £432.52 was raised.
Today’s photo was taken on one of our recent morning beach walks. With nobody about, this was a very different scene from that in the summer, when we saw a constant stream of people enjoying the walk between Cromer and Overstrand.